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dj setUnplanned tracklist changes.Heh, planned to play some chill house from Dreamlin on Saturday, ended up playing tracks both from Dreamlin and Red Groove projects. Next gig
July 29 23:006:00 @ "DreamLand" dj Gekco (ZYX Records / Mannheim.DE) Fire & GoGo Show Contribution: 15000 blr. Facecontrol: 18+ All gigs played by Stars Alliance to date.Stars Alliance is a side project with music composed by Denis Korabkov, Anja Lazarevich on vocals and some of the lyrics wwritten by Egor Kunovsky. 2006: 09.09.2006 @ Её, Minsk, Вечер электронной музыки "Easy Evening" 2005: 03/07/05 — "VECHERRYNKA" Vera’s birthday @ "Добрыя мыслi" 2004: 12/06/04 — FRIENDLY FIGHT @ "28" All Egor's DJ sets to date.Below are all the dates when Egor aka Egor Kaway aka E.gor DJ-ed somewhere under his own nick and not playing just music by Dreamlin. 2010: A text for our gig in Poland.Taken from the site of the club. BIA?ORUŚ06 05 sobota godz. 20.00 bilet 15pln BIA?ORUSKA MUZYKA KLUBOWA6 maja 2006 w klubie Punkt ( ul. Koszykowa 55) odbędą się Juwenalia studentów Białorutenistyki pt. „Białoruska muzyka klubowa?, na które zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych elektronicznymi brzmieniami zza wschodniej granicy (start o 20.00, bilety: 10 zł. studencki, 15 zł. normalny). |
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